and trace was by far the most dogshit team in masters bangkok and they are probably the 2nd best team in china lol,all other teams than edg get farmed
please refer to the post-fnatic trophy count👆🏻
no u refer to my comment👆🏻
why? it provides nothing of value to the conversation 🙏😭
ofcourse cause we all know its true 🙏😭
not even close. you're a caveman screaming out nonsense. why would anyone listen to you? 😂
100% true
and you're a fake korean supporting a chinese team that's horrible. EMEA has more trophies than China(EDG), let's end it there for now.
"fake korean" just because I'm speaking a language he can understand 😂. makes sense since your frontal lobe isn't developed enough to know that everything before 2024 is irrelevant 💔
you're weird kiddo. Relax and go ask a hug from your mother. Think you really need one.
We all know you're a a fat American with a out of proportion body size stuck in a wheelchair
then what do you think about SEN?
shit aswell,but they would still qualify trough china if trace is the 2nd best team