EZ Slot
ARF 2-1 OF
S2 2-1 OF
Why tf is this bot team got bye?
they was 5-8 in split1
wait how? didn't they lose to every team in split 1?
that why they got demote to this round and the top5 got bye to the group stage
OF 2-1 that indo team
No matter who will get this slot It will shit anyway, idk why you allocate slot like these????
what's your problem with indo and hktw?
Compared to other line slots, it feels like this is the easy line and not competitive enough imo indo will get this slot 2-0 all hk-tw teams but look like I'm wrong And they put Hk/Tw on the same line
ez for s2
S2 26-0 OF
ez match for S2