mimosa1 [#5]What happened clip not loading
aspas asks verno if he was walking with his girlfriend and somebody came up to him with a gun, aimed it at both of them and told verno that either him or his girlfriend has to suck his dick, who would suck it. Verno said himself.
4so4so4so [#9]TLDR:
aspas asks verno if he was walking with his girlfriend and somebody came up to him with a gun, aimed it at both of them and told verno that either him or his girlfriend has to suck his dick, who would suck it. Verno said himself.
fire question and correct answer
Divine_Thunder [#10]im gonna assume this is brazilian humour cuz generally whatever song i hear they have this typa lyrics
Do you sit on the cake or eat it?
jotaralho [#3]brazilian humor
*normal humor
would you rather dilemmas humors have existed as long as men
4so4so4so [#9]TLDR:
aspas asks verno if he was walking with his girlfriend and somebody came up to him with a gun, aimed it at both of them and told verno that either him or his girlfriend has to suck his dick, who would suck it. Verno said himself.
'Tldr' and it's the whole transcript 😭
glittering_yard [#20]only a true man sucks that dick dry and lick the balls
+gets it all down the throat
grisx23 [#16]*normal humor
would you rather dilemmas humors have existed as long as men
would you rather sit on the cake or eat 😳