Ascent meta discussion

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Ascent is in really interesting spot with the addition of 3 new agents and yoru and deadlock being used more in pro play. There are so many comp archatypes but most teams tend to play double initiator on this map. I was thinking of a new comp that could replace the meta comp:
Omen, Vyse, Tejo, Fade, Yoru.
You have pretty much everything with this comp. First, you have really good main takes on both attack and defense with prowlers and tejo missiles. You have a really good mid take with fade eye+tejo missiles for early mid, fade prowlers+tejo drones for deep mid like market and tree. You have a really good site hits as well, you might get away with just 5 man rushing mains with double prowlers to clear main, tejo and yoru utils for site, vyse thorns for flood, omen paranoia to counter the retake, tejo missiles for post plants etc. Also you have 4 round winning power ults to win rounds on attack and retakes.
Mains will be very hard to contest against this comp, because they might early round to hold on for main, they might push thru mains, they might reclear mains, you have so much flexibility. Also you might get away wuth playing 4-1 on defense with vyse on her own, because you have a fazt rotate with yoru tp and good stall with vyse. You can play 5v5 retake if you want because this comp has so much good util for retakes, omen paranoia, double prawler, fade eye, vyse flash, yoru flashes, tejo missiles and stun etc. The only thing I can think the meta comp does better than this comp might be tree hold with kay-o but even for that you might wanna set up one trap play with vyse+tejo util and attackers will be scared to just walk up to tree.


but i still feel like sova util provides a ton of value on this map, no? i always felt like he was the most crucial agent to the stagnating meta on ascent. idk though im not high elo so maybe i am looking at this the wrong way.


good take, but fade does kinda the same


the layout of the map works better for sova

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