Rossi is just a overhyped player. I agree with Binks a lot with his statement. Botssi should focus on his game rather than crying and saying this and that about x player and x org. If you hate em so much, then just win the SA tourament lol.
Denjisideals [#2]I mean I get what he is saying tho. They bought out the spot but then kept absolutely no one from the previous roster and 100% sure Venka is coming in split 2. Where shame? Also how come the second these bozos come into the scene there is a controversy?
U are arguing with a S tier rossi hater , this guy doesn't has anything better to do in life, seems like an S8ul fan tbh
KClaw [#3]U are arguing with a S tier rossi hater , this guy doesn't has anything better to do in life, seems like an S8ul fan tbh
Huh explain what happened?
Zyrux [#4]Huh explain what happened?
Tldr: S8ul, an Indian org bought out DUPG esports, another Indian org who was invited to VCL SA split 1 because they ended on a good position in 2024 split 3. But the second they acquired DUPG, they removed almost every member from the roster except one guy and in split 2 they plan on removing him for Venka too. Rossy has an issue with this and he mentioned his dissatisfaction with S8ul just using the DUPG players for a slot and it became a big issue between the communities. S8ul is a very big org in Indian gaming scene with a lot of fans.
Denjisideals [#5]Tldr: S8ul, an Indian org bought out DUPG esports, another Indian org who was invited to VCL SA split 1 because they ended on a good position in 2024 split 3. But the second they acquired DUPG, they removed almost every member from the roster except one guy and in split 2 they plan on removing him for Venka too. Rossy has an issue with this and he mentioned his dissatisfaction with S8ul just using the DUPG players for a slot and it became a big issue between the communities. S8ul is a very big org in Indian gaming scene with a lot of fans.
Ohh..But its just poaching the slot no? what's even there if core of retained spot not playing?
Zyrux [#6]Ohh..But its just poaching the slot no? what's even there if core of retained spot not playing?
Exactly. It's not technically illegal but it's morally a dipshit thing to do
Denjisideals [#7]Exactly. It's not technically illegal but it's morally a dipshit thing to do
Yeahh but it never happened regionally... were they so scared of open qualifiers that they just acquired other than building good team nd qualify for tournament
Zyrux [#8]Yeahh but it never happened regionally... were they so scared of open qualifiers that they just acquired other than building good team nd qualify for tournament
They have a good team they would rawdog open qualis
SkRossi qualified through opens
Looks like S8ul just wanted the easy route
Denjisideals [#2]I mean I get what he is saying tho. They bought out the spot but then kept absolutely no one from the previous roster and 100% sure Venka is coming in split 2. Where shame? Also how come the second these bozos come into the scene there is a controversy?
Their pubg based audience Kekw the only val audience is from one person
Zyrux [#8]Yeahh but it never happened regionally... were they so scared of open qualifiers that they just acquired other than building good team nd qualify for tournament
That was another matter where the TO fixated the slot means which ever teams that played split 3 only those get slot Since Rossi went on break after ascension he was no longer part of Rnt there were only 4 teams of which OGS withdraw from Val RNT had no team until they acquired Mogo team and yes they didn’t increase slot in open qualifiers as well
Denjisideals [#9]They have a good team they would rawdog open qualis
SkRossi qualified through opens
Looks like S8ul just wanted the easy route
man these kids no wonder tio much hate is there for rossi
KClaw [#15]Oh was that a joke , i didn't laugh, actually nobody did.
not really a joke when its true, never even made top 8 before
cxrsedval [#16]not really a joke when its true, never even made top 8 before
as an indian, facts are facts. We aren't there, not even close tbh.