bro why is fixing teams too ez atp
cameran [#2]bro said nightz and tdawg
lmfao Cubert academy is fucking useless if all of them have potential to be tier 1 pros yet being gatekept due to orgs preferring nepotism and short term success
Riot did a good job for the franchising system alright!
rankaddict [#4]lmfao Cubert academy is fucking useless if all of them have potential to be tier 1 pros yet being gatekept due to orgs preferring nepotism and short term success
Riot did a good job for the franchising system alright!
well they joined cubert for a reason... money lol
rankaddict [#6]now that I think about it why tf is molsi not in Tier 1
who said molsi is not in tier 1 ?
rankaddict [#4]lmfao Cubert academy is fucking useless if all of them have potential to be tier 1 pros yet being gatekept due to orgs preferring nepotism and short term success
Riot did a good job for the franchising system alright!
nightz literally cant play in vct and tdawg replaces who as an igl?
geduelist [#10]Actually just need role changes
N4rrate(initiator)(no smokes)
Bang(only controller)
Johnqt(sentinel) (no teji Or any other ini)
I support this lol