valorant is probabilistic. as is many things in life. just because t1 won doesn't necessarily mean they played better.
it is NOT like chess, which is purely deterministic. if you lose in chess, you played worse.
what's the difference? valorant actually has two layers of non-determinism:
it's an imperfect information game. there's inherent luck in guessing/reading. if you're good at it, you make your odds better, but all "reads" are still guesses. phil ivey doesn't win every poker tournament he enters.
inbuilt rng in bullet patterns. especially important when smoke spamming, which is a pretty major part of the current valorant meta. g2 got EXTREMELY unlucky with the round 3 defuse on pearl. had the bullet spray been different, or if they chose to spam a different location (which isn't a skill, since there's no way of gleaning whereabouts someone in a smoke is), game could have gone very differnet
whether or not t1 got lucky is down to you. idk, i didn't watch all 5 maps. point is, "oh if they were better they would have won" isn't valid.