Make the best possible player you can by taking aspects from different pros. Each pro can only be used once.
Rifling: aspas
Oping: zmjjkk
Movement: jawgemo
Util: Ethan
Game sense: nats
The_Preacher [#2]Derke is very close to the best pro
I think he is equal or better than ur above mentioned names(in duelist roles) except may be oping
I think with derke and aspas they are really high in most areas which makes them some of the best players. I think util wise it’s hard to judge duelists since their abilities are selfish.
babushka_boii95 [#4]rifling has to be less man Ive seen him do ungodly stuff that aspas couldnt. Util could be jonahp since he gets alot of breach aftershock kills. Other than that great list
I threw this list together pretty quickly remembering now that players like alfajer, less and prime suygetsu exist. Also for util forgetting about leo.