guys im giving a presentation about why riot is the most admirable business for my business presentations class, what should i talk about
I_LOVE_LESS [#6]instead you should do a presentation on why Felipe "Less" Basso is the most perfect human in history
morbidly obese, toxc, went negative against T1
revokeshoots [#3]if you chose RIOT for an "admirable business" you're cooked man they just screwed over all league players so bad that they rolled it back after explaining it was "necessary" for the game to "financially succeed"
I did choose it, mainly just because esports is something I know a lot about so I figured it would be easier to focus mainly on the TO side of it. I was going to bring up the social impact fund, game changers, the economic stimulus of masters/international events across all their esports. There is also a personal side to it
GambleNats [#7]are you seriously looking for points? or are you making a joke
half joke half serious inquiry, I do a lot of esports stuff for my studies because its kinda unique and my professors ask me questions about it
gofert [#11]I did choose it, mainly just because esports is something I know a lot about so I figured it would be easier to focus mainly on the TO side of it. I was going to bring up the social impact fund, game changers, the economic stimulus of masters/international events across all their esports. There is also a personal side to it
feel bad for ya so I'll give you a good shout which is that they are big into promoting diversity within the workplace along with ethical monetization of free products. everything else you listed is good and works already
Well push your topic towards how games in general and Riot as a big corp pushed kids to stay home and not join gangs, also how it captured the young generations. Impacts on awareness, also there was a study about games making kids more smarter. That's a good way to start. Don't forget about the e-girls and e-boys dating online and confidence it gave them. Thank me later!
Jedeco [#15]Well push your topic towards how games in general and Riot as a big corp pushed kids to stay home and not join gangs, also how it captured the young generations. Impacts on awareness, also there was a study about games making kids more smarter. That's a good way to start. Don't forget about the e-girls and e-boys dating online and confidence it gave them. Thank me later!
When I am done I will post the presentation outline and maybe my research document so you guys can see what I chose to do