-Artorias [#4]he deleted nevermind fuck x:(
cant walk the talk smh, need more fuckin drama in ts scene
Laundry [#8]he deleted it but it was this
How do you have a ss like that randomly?
LowGun [#10]How do you have a ss like that randomly?
i just didnt close the tab yet before he deleted it
-Artorias [#12]
bro this team is the favorites to win ascension and they are almost getting dominated vs "enterprise" with 4 washed players congrats on the win tho the come back was nice,a lot of hero plays in classic turkey fashion
UvuvwevwevweOnyetenyevwe [#11]Tam bir çirkef velet aw. Kendisi sanki hiç tbag atmıyor
bizimilerin avrupalilara karsi ayri bir zevki var birak tadini cikarsinlar 😂😂💅
aaaa420 [#14]bro this team is the favorites to win ascension and they are almost getting dominated vs "enterprise" with 4 washed players congrats on the win tho the come back was nice,a lot of hero plays in classic turkey fashion