Forsaken (senti)
PatMen (flashes [IGL])
Something (duelist)
Jinggg/Mf (smokes) {would rather see MF}
David (recon)
Chet (HC)
Crackyoudown [#3]ik ik but forsaken and mf have tried and it's been meh
so your solution for 2 failed instances of trying to turn a non igl into a igl is trying to turn a non igl to igl again
Froggy0_0 [#4]forsaken ( flex / igl ) ( whatever they need f0rsaken can play )
something ( primary duelist )
mindfreak ( controller ) + get this guy an aim coach
d4v4i ( flashes )
patmen ( recon )
d4v4i cant play recon only flash
D4v41 can play every agent thats not a duelist
BabyWizard [#6]D4v41 can play every agent thats not a duelist
his recon is not good
playing and every agent and being good at every agent is different
derptz [#8]f0rsakeN: Duelist / Flex
Mindfreak: Controller
PatMen: Recon Initiator / Flex
D4v41: Sentinel [IGL]
Jinggg: Duelist [ Raze / Iso / Yoru ]
This is the best thing prx could’ve do.edit: something is not really good on any agent besides jett and I doubt this season favors on jett map metas.
asking jinggg to play yoru is like asking a newborn baby to fully master the piano
derptz [#8]f0rsakeN: Duelist / Flex
Mindfreak: Controller
PatMen: Recon Initiator / Flex
D4v41: Sentinel [IGL]
Jinggg: Duelist [ Raze / Iso / Yoru ]
This is the best thing prx could’ve do.edit: something is not really good on any agent besides jett and I doubt this season favors on jett map metas.
can understand forsaken over smth as primary duelist but jinggg? nah bro hes washed and not at his prime aim wise too and he is shit at everything except raze. smth can raze he has done it before in t2 and was not ass at it. smth perma plays raze & jett. if smth doesnt wanna learn neon or yoru then forsaken can play neon and both forsaken / patmen can play yoru. only thing jinggg is better than smth is mental.