"Throwin up signs n shit"
"What is that? Is that-
Is that a Korean neighbourhood?"
meadows [#3]It's a bit muddled in real time but if you slow the clip down you can easily and clearly hear him say "neighborhood" the fact that people believe he's dumb enough to sit on a stream of that size and casually rip the N word need to be checked out by a doctor lol
yeah and people have to acknowledge that there is a chance they could have misheard it because of how muddled it is
nobody___100 [#4]why he say korean neighborhood it dont make sense
I think he was trying to say is that something you see in a Korean (gang) neighbourhood. I know it doesnt sound grammatically correct but you have to understand his English may not be good, just look at his past interviews or him just talking
nobody___100 [#4]why he say korean neighborhood it dont make sense
They are joking about gang signs.
Several gang signs are neighborhood-attributed.
He clearly says "neighborhood" as in "Is that a gang sign from a Korean neighborhood?"
Boketto [#5]yeah and people have to acknowledge that there is a chance they could have misheard it because of how muddled it is
Nah people hear what they want to hear and refuse to budge an inch on the internet. When I first saw that clip it caught me off-guard but when I went back after the match and actually listened to it and slowed it down it was super obvious but some people just love fanning flames.
Shadow_Monarch [#10]neigh bour hood has 3 syllables. I only heard 2 syllables.
I hear
der0p [#12]wait isn't he from morocco. Does that mean he has the pass?
No he's not black he's just Arab, that's like saying elon musk can say the n word because he's from South Africa
Prancer [#14]No he's not black he's just Arab, that's like saying elon musk can say the n word because he's from South Africa
oh ok thanks for clearing it up
Shadow_Monarch [#13]I heard N word with hard R and a S(plural) at the end.
maybe It's just hard to hear, and we have to accept that we cant say for certain what he actually said