part of my potato looks green from outside but normal from inside. Its been weeks since i bought them.
I want to boil em and eat cuz its 1:57am rn and im hungry.
Also it is a bit... A BIT SOFT from outside and again hard from inside
potatoes just do that, id say cut off the green bits and just cook and eat, you'll be fine
okay got it, thanks a lot mate :D
If minecraft has taught me anything is that green potatoes arent edible
Cut the green parts out
This is why im better
atleast my king nAts humbled ur team last week , so still debatable and yet to be decided who is the better clucky
Fair, but when sen wins toronto i will take the crown Enjoy ur potatos
Atleast before toronto I can spell potatoes correctly >:D
Cluckyistaken : 1 , Clucker : 0
I'll go boil my potatoes rn and have it with chocolate peanut butter :3
Actually its 1:1 considering i have ur name lil bro