Rules: can use anyone from the event but you can’t use two players from the same team
Here’s my Team: Duelist: FengF Initiator: Patitek Flex: Sayf Controller: Carpe Sentinel: Flashback
If it’s pure sentinel then flashback if not then Kai
Flashback is a great shout
Patitek feels like the worst player in the tourney
Fengf was statistically the worst but Patitek was ass as well
Patitek is the biggest paycheck stealer of all time.
Sentinel maybe flashback, he has a 1.0 rating which is the worst for deticated sentinel players. Next two closest would be zellsis, who played tejo and breach as well as vyse and fengf who played cypher once. Edit: didnt see kai but he played jett 2
I would have put Zellsis on flex but we need an igl and Sayf was HORRIBLE