Why didnt they play Iso against T1 on Haven?
Liwus [#7]Sentinels flair take
in reality i support eg/100t, would that be better? ive used data to gather my responses with both, and it seems people either ignore me or call me out on my flair more if i use EG or 100t
cameran [#4]jett has always been better than iso so thats why.
yes but for that comp iso makes more sense especially on defence
double damage shocks to slow down a lobby control
cameran [#8]in reality i support eg/100t, would that be better? ive used data to gather my responses with both, and it seems people either ignore me or call me out on my flair more if i use EG or 100t
Tell me then why Jett is better than iso on haven ? And your opinion is dogshit, (dogshit idea is common in SEN fans) u can still defend yourself.
FiredSkull [#12]Tell me then why Jett is better than iso on haven ? And your opinion is dogshit, (dogshit idea is common in SEN fans) u can still defend yourself.
like i said, in reality i support eg/100t, would that be better? ive used data to gather my responses with both, and it seems people either ignore me or call me out on my flair more if i use EG or 100t
cameran [#13]like i said, in reality i support eg/100t, would that be better? ive used data to gather my responses with both, and it seems people either ignore me or call me out on my flair more if i use EG or 100t
Tell me then why Jett is better than iso on haven ? And your opinion is dogshit, (dogshit idea is common in SEN fans) u can still defend yourself.
cameran [#13]like i said, in reality i support eg/100t, would that be better? ive used data to gather my responses with both, and it seems people either ignore me or call me out on my flair more if i use EG or 100t
I need the fact that makes Jett Yoru, better than Iso Yoru
FiredSkull [#14]Tell me then why Jett is better than iso on haven ? And your opinion is dogshit, (dogshit idea is common in SEN fans) u can still defend yourself.
like i said, in reality i support eg/100t, would that be better? ive used data to gather my responses with both, and it seems people either ignore me or call me out on my flair more if i use EG or 100t