What do we think needs to be changed/ worked on with their gameplay? They’re not making roster changes, that’s just silly but genuine changes. What roles do you think everyone would be best on? Also I’m so confused, I thought they’d spent off season finding their team identity and had finally found it but now they’re saying they’ve lost it. Anyways. Personally I think they need to work on their Micro and team work. SENS Macro is not bad at all but when it comes to team play, outside of execs, they just look so disjointed and it feels there’s a lack of comms there, no actual team work. I think that’s their main problem. Getting onto site, getting a pic or 2? They’re great at that, ALOT of the stuff afterwards, not so good. Actually shocking how many times they lost advantages today. I just don’t think that would happen to a drilled team whose players are close, inside and out of the game. It felt like a family with Sacy and TENZ, TENZ always bringing in that lump of whatever to games, him and Zack constantly joking and making plays, Sacy being the dad and keeping everyone in order. Everyone’s roles were so perfect. We need something like that again. Anyways enough of my rant. I still believe, they just have to figure it out!