These team skills levels...

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These top 4 teams (top1 from each region) are all so good!
I feel like anyone of them could beat the other at any given time!
VIT and EDG beat DRX and G2 this time.
Say G2 and DRX were to make it to playoffs, in no way would I give any of these teams odds better than 60-40 of winning against another (as of now)

Looking like a real competitive year and I'm all for it after a weak year!


DRX and G2 KEKWWW. also how is this year not a "weak" year? clowny teams like T1 (that make so many mistakes to take advantage of) and Trace are top 2 in respective regions. SEN and TL are hot garbage

sentinelmain377 [#2]

DRX and G2 KEKWWW. also how is this year not a "weak" year? clowny teams like T1 (that make so many mistakes to take advantage of) and Trace are top 2 in respective regions. SEN and TL are hot garbage

its the beginning of the year, every team will have some weird mistakes as they are still figuring out things

sentinelmain377 [#2]

DRX and G2 KEKWWW. also how is this year not a "weak" year? clowny teams like T1 (that make so many mistakes to take advantage of) and Trace are top 2 in respective regions. SEN and TL are hot garbage

that’s why he specified the top 2 of every region, also, crazy how ur laughing at DRX and G2 knowing damn well if vit played them it would be a 50/50


i also feel like, while i didnt watch full on other regions (mostly americas and emea), the top 4 of every region looks decent enough to have good international tournaments later in the season, and the meta looks good and diverse. im excited for champs

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