vitality are so lucky lmaooo, always relying on kills through smoke or 1hp clutches or fluke phantom shots, so so lucky, drx definitely deserve the win, sentinels would EASILY beat them
shesh_ [#8]sen flair complaining about smoke spam
also like half of mako's kills were through smoke let's be real now
less blind spam through smoke with stinger, gets 2, won them the map lmao, kicks 10 hp twice, gets lucky with a wallbang
lalalalalala [#13]less blind spam through smoke with stinger, gets 2, won them the map lmao, kicks 10 hp twice, gets lucky with a wallbang
flashback walked into the smoke for no reason
reaper_rega08 [#18]Shitpacers crying as usual. Tbh, Mako got fluke kills in map 2. Hit shots jumping from heaven.
bro your indian, why are you sucking dick for emea, plus im american
lalalalalala [#13]less blind spam through smoke with stinger, gets 2, won them the map lmao, kicks 10 hp twice, gets lucky with a wallbang
less saw both of them
SunnyFromVLR [#15]damn SEN fans crying cus they cant win against DRX but we did. Fat americans tears are free on this app today
7 fat americans at bangkok, 0 danish players, gg...
lalalalalala [#17]ur a fake sen fan
No i just dont bait
Also you dont have to trash talk another team in order to support sen, take these words to heart
lalalalalala [#24]7 fat americans at bangkok, 0 danish players, gg...
my team mugs ur team, SEN aint qualifying
Suiiiiiii [#23]Clowns like you bring hate to our fanbase
im being real tho, sen would beat vitality if they didnt have to rely on hero plays
SunnyFromVLR [#26]my team mugs ur team, SEN aint qualifying
sen has 2 masters win, vitality has 0, talk only when ur shit team wins an event
aaaa420 [#10]this whole game is about luck a lot of the time, the luckier team with momentum wins,are we just now realizing that is game is pretty random at the highest level
Its not luck lol drx were the weaker team. Clearly look at last map tell me how flashback keep getting caught to the same eye like 5 times...
lalalalalala [#27]im being real tho, sen would beat vitality if they didnt have to rely on hero plays
watch them lose to gluequid
lalalalalala [#27]im being real tho, sen would beat vitality if they didnt have to rely on hero plays
Vitality same as edg they rely on ppl taking over rounds to win. Doesn't make it luck just mean the individual players are that good.
lalalalalala [#29]sen has 2 masters win, vitality has 0, talk only when ur shit team wins an event
still dogshit team. masters win doesnt mean shit if they couldnt beat DRX XDDD
now tomorrow they will lose to liquid cus EU is better than americas worst team SUNTINELS
lalalalalala [#13]less blind spam through smoke with stinger, gets 2, won them the map lmao, kicks 10 hp twice, gets lucky with a wallbang
flashback walked in and less spammed the other one off his bullet tracers, none of it was "blind"
Ullyr [#34]Vitality same as edg they rely on ppl taking over rounds to win. Doesn't make it luck just mean the individual players are that good.
edg are lucky too, sen wouldve beat them if they didnt abuse a broken neon,
lalalalalala [#13]less blind spam through smoke with stinger, gets 2, won them the map lmao, kicks 10 hp twice, gets lucky with a wallbang
What u mad trolling lmao they walked in smoke on an antieco round? Why u know the other team got stingers . It's huge throw from drx
Ullyr [#31]Its not luck lol drx were the weaker team. Clearly look at last map tell me how flashback keep getting caught to the same eye like 5 times...
yea flashback fucked up but im talking in general this game comes down to such small margins theres a lot of lucky and unlucky ability usage and smoke spams etc
lalalalalala [#21]bro your indian, why are you sucking dick for emea, plus im american
Why you doing the same with Pacific being an American.
lalalalalala [#27]im being real tho, sen would beat vitality if they didnt have to rely on hero plays
sen relies on hero plays too what are you on about???
reaper_rega08 [#40]Why you doing the same with Pacific being an American.
just saying how lucky vitality are, your trash talking your own region, have some shame bro, dont be pissed that gl0b0l esp0rts didnt make bangkok, shit team shit org. cant even win when they import players
Clucker [#25]No i just dont bait
Also you dont have to trash talk another team in order to support sen, take these words to heart
im just being real though, ok imma be real sen wont beat vitality but they defo get lucky, hero plays, spams etc
butterdog_dogwithdabutter [#43]sen is not qualifying buddy pray for yourself
even if sen dosent qualify, they will still have more trophies than v0tality
lalalalalala [#37]edg are lucky too, sen wouldve beat them if they didnt abuse a broken neon,
Lol mad troll sen were so bad on sunset it was like 13 6
lalalalalala [#27]im being real tho, sen would beat vitality if they didnt have to rely on hero plays
Bro lets be rational. How many pixels are there that can be covered by a smoke on player’s screen. Depends on relative position in game. The more closer the more no. of spots to hit. Since these guys intelligently predict the probability of opponent being at a certain point, and also place their crosshairs at that spot (which comes due to thousands of hours of practice), there’s very little to no scope of them being ‘lucky’ kills. I hope this serves you as a proper explanation.
Ullyr [#46]Lol mad troll sen were so bad on sunset it was like 13 6
edg got so lucky on lotus, was genuinely generational luck
lalalalalala [#44]im just being real though, ok imma be real sen wont beat vitality but they defo get lucky, hero plays, spams etc
I think so too, to an extent
lalalalalala [#42]just saying how lucky vitality are, your trash talking your own region, have some shame bro, dont be pissed that gl0b0l esp0rts didnt make bangkok, shit team shit org. cant even win when they import players
First of all, I am not a Global fan. I just support them during the league. It's like we are fans of Argentine and Portugal Football even though we are Indians. Second, I am not trolling our own region. I am just bringing some senses into us to not cope like this by saying VIT were lucky. Pacific fans were flying sky high unnecessarily after beating Sen. Their ego had reached beyond repair. Now, we have been brought back to ground. Stay humble that's all I am saying. Stop having existential crisis and accusing other of being lucky or something. VIT were the better team accept that.