what do the stars behind my name mean? does it represent my total upvote/downvote ratio? thanks
Yistyy [#2]According to VLR:
"The stars a simple measurement of how active a particular user is on the forums. Stars are gained as you make more posts."
It is also worth mentioning that upvotes/downvotes also affect stars. Mods can take away stars as well.
thanks Yistyy I appreciate it
it means your total interaction on the website, the more you interact the more stars you get.
the more stars you have the less cooldown you get to interact even more
stars can be accelerated by upvotes or decelerated by downvotes, additionally you can have all your stars taken away or get flag/flair banned if a mod decides it so
GambleNats [#4]it means your total interaction on the website, the more you interact the more stars you get.
the more stars you have the less cooldown you get to interact even more
stars can be accelerated by upvotes or decelerated by downvotes, additionally you can have all your stars taken away or get flag/flair banned if a mod decides it so
thanks GambleNats I appreciate it