so they nerfed a character whose movement ability requires actual skill to master with a pickrate of 22% (lower than jett) at champs?
Not really. Jett for the longest time has had some of the best entry util given how fast she can dash in. She is useful to this day because her dash is a great bailout tool like the Neon sprint/slide or Reyna dismiss whilst also being a great space-opening tool because you create an amazing distraction when you cloudburst + dash.
True, ain't nothing like your Jett or other duelist entering 3rd, last or worse going on a random lurk mid when they could be fighting to enter site. I see what your saying though since in pro-play, Jett has very limited map options. At best, she can play on Abyss, Ascent, Icebox, Breeze, Haven, Pearl and Split. But then we have seen new metas revolving around Yoru on Split, Abyss and Pearl; Neon in Pearl, Lotus, Sunset, Fracture and Haven; Iso in Haven and then Raze fits in for Bind, Sunset, Fracture, Lotus and Split. Pro-play is evolving and using so many new comp combos that it's refreshing after seeing Raze and Jett dominate for so long.
In terms of ranked, you can feasibly play a lot of agents which aren't optimal for a map until a certain skill level. I believe it was Sliggy who said you can get to Ascendant or even Immortal off of aim alone. You will definitely see in higher ranks that players pick agents closer to what the meta demands, but you can get away with comfort picks on most maps for a majority case of ranked games.
Tbf valorant is honestly a pretty balanced game and as long as players are comfortable on their agents and the plans they have any agent can succeed so it doesn't matter too much I honestly think raze and jett are were only so popular because of pros clinging onto them neon even in 2022 was fairly solid and yoru was great with set strats the scene simply didn't want to adapt more than other duelists being bad
I'll be honest. Neon in 2022 was a much weaker form of Jett and Raze. The strafing speed was slower and the energy recharge was a whole minute to get back to full. She was usable in certain scenarios such as Victor on Haven for Optic and F0rsaken on Fracture for PRX. But she was a far cry from game-shifting due to her limited usability throughout the round.
Yoru is a high-floor and high-ceiling agent. At best, Yoru can do very impressive amounts of pressure and distraction. However, if someone were not so experienced or comfortable on Yoru then he looks like a troll pick. I still think there are ways you can play Yoru that the pro play is not considering because it requires a long-call plan which for the most part in pro-play is not so viable. I'm very glad Yoru is becoming more and more viable and meta for pro-play since he is such a fun agent.
Neon was genuinely broken pre-nerf. I'll give you a timeline of her changes.
8.11: Neon had a balance/nerf to her concuss (2 charges down to 1, but the wind-up is faster and the stun lasts longer), a buff to her sprint where she can strafe at max-speed (6.73m/s to 9.11m/s), a buff to her slide (2 charges up from 1 with no movement error whilst sliding and her weapon instantly comes out), her fast-lane wall was shortened in duration but dissipates longer, and last but certainly not least her energy was buffed from 60s recharge up to 20s recharge (LITERALLY 3x FASTER).
To comment on these buffs, she basically became Octane from Apex Legends where she can basically be at top-speeds and shoot back with 2 bailouts. More importantly, the buff to her recharge is the most key aspect to her kit. She can run around for more time in the round. But people are crying because she had her slide reverted a bit.
9.11: Her slide went down to 1 charge, crouching-accuracy if you were to shoot and slide, ultimate costs more and lasts 10s instead of 20s. All fair buffs considering her ultimate recharges her energy back to full when you hit the ult-button, she gains another slide off of it and it is aimbot so you only get punished if you have bad aim/tracking. Not to mention that her energy recharges back to full after each kill. So by halving the time her ult lasts, it forces players to be more considerate and tactical with the ult rather than hit it and oppress a round like it's nothing. Her energy recharge has remained the same and she is still fairly difficult to deal with when you're up against a skilled Neon.