I have Oni Ion RGX Reaver Araxys
I am waiting for your suggestions
get the orion vandal
z12 [#2] get the orion vandal
Forsaken vandal. Timeless
Darkfuel [#5] primordium
it could be
Should've picked up arcane while you could
Prelude is goated, but honestly skins = scams
Neptune and exo is kinda clean for me rn
get primordium
primodium and prelude all the skins that sound heavy kurunami is overrated
Froakie14 [#13] primodium and prelude all the skins that sound heavy kurunami is overrated
KuroNami good
Singularity and Gaia have aimbot
Get a life vandal, or the get help vandal are great purchases. Budgeting vandal is also super underrated imo.