Early Bangkok swiss stage predictions

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T1>Vit (Vit need to solve role and consistency issues. Also Drx is a way better benchmark for a 3-2 than almost losing to liquid)
Edg>TL (hard to say that TL wins. EDG is just a team who even if Liquid got map 1, EDG will not give up)
Drx>SEN (do think this one of the better matches in round 1, but DRX is just a more consistent and role comfortable team)
G2>TE (duh, but if anyone could upset an overconfident NA team, it's Trace.)
I do think it's DRX, T1, G2 and EDG/VIT/SEN in playoffs tho (all 3 are teams that need miracles, up to which team has the script)
But if Trace by some miracle beats G2, I'm rooting for them to win Bangkok.


Dang we have same pickems for the first 4 games, I have G2, VIT, EDG and T1 making it passed swiss.

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