T1>Vit (Vit need to solve role and consistency issues. Also Drx is a way better benchmark for a 3-2 than almost losing to liquid)
Edg>TL (hard to say that TL wins. EDG is just a team who even if Liquid got map 1, EDG will not give up)
Drx>SEN (do think this one of the better matches in round 1, but DRX is just a more consistent and role comfortable team)
G2>TE (duh, but if anyone could upset an overconfident NA team, it's Trace.)
I do think it's DRX, T1, G2 and EDG/VIT/SEN in playoffs tho (all 3 are teams that need miracles, up to which team has the script)
But if Trace by some miracle beats G2, I'm rooting for them to win Bangkok.