Now that Sp1 round robin is half way through, it seems pretty clear that CL KR's top team is T1A. Not to mention, quite a few notable up and coming talents are playing in DRX Prospects or GGA. I think it's quite certain that T1A is going to sweep the floor for the rest of the year, unless other CL KR teams drastically improve. Not to say that non-Academy teams like SLT or FearX are weak, but they most likely would've been stronger than they are, had CL remained out of bounds for academy teams.
That's mostly not the case for VCJ and CL SEA. In terms of the chances of winning Ascension Pacific, inclusion of academy teams have definitely made it much easier for JP and SEA.
Now, since one of NS or BME (or both) are very likely going to play in this year's Ascension, it is obviously not garaunteed that SEA or JP's top team will win it all, but the fact that they're not going to face T1A is quite massive.