We need to stop buying skins beacuse what riot is now doing is just straight up stealing. Even at the start of the game skin prices weren't good but then at least almost every skin was cool and had it's own animation, now the last three bundles had been EXO 9,500 VP and it didn't even have a reload animation then the helix bundle where the finisher was almost the same as imperium's and the flex was 1300 VP when in my opinion it shouldn't have costed more than like 750 VP, and currently the VCT karambit where the animation is just a one to one copy of RGX karambit's and there wasn't any connection to VCT beside the logo and the color like at least put the winner's logo on it or something beacuse if somebody doesn't watch VCT and he just randomly sees it then I doubt that he would know that this is there beacuse of VCT and why is the VCT color white, I think it should be purple beacuse of the color of masters. At least the VCT bundle's price was somewhat okay but even that was overpriced so I'm saying this to everybody including me: STOP BUYING SKINS. We need to let riot realise that their skins are too expensive and the only way for that is by not buying skins.