Isn't this too early for a cut?

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You are a permanent franchise team. You have no pressure of surviving relegation and all that. Why would you do this? You have played 3 games, C9 where Xeppa had a life game, 100T, who looked like one of the better teams in Americas. You beat them. Then you came against KRU who are another great team. This makes no sense rebooting your roster 1 month into the season. Give them chance. Even Leviatan ended Kickoffs 2024 with 1-2. They had a decent year. Unless you have a great player who comes in and just obliterates everything, I can't understand why.


preaching to the choir dawg

saebr [#2]

preaching to the choir dawg

They better have Faker in their hands
Doing all this for nothing would be crazy


I know it's still too early to confirm whether the leaks are real or total bait, but even if they were real, but this wouldn't be the first time this has happened.

Some notable examples:

  • C9 and the constant runi/vanity signing and releasing
  • 100T axing ec1s and inspire after getting 13-0'd by TGRD
LycheeBlade [#4]

I know it's still too early to confirm whether the leaks are real or total bait, but even if they were real, but this wouldn't be the first time this has happened.

Some notable examples:

  • C9 and the constant runi/vanity signing and releasing
  • 100T axing ec1s and inspire after getting 13-0'd by TGRD

C9: not being to a tournament in years
100T: being in one tournament in years

LycheeBlade [#4]

I know it's still too early to confirm whether the leaks are real or total bait, but even if they were real, but this wouldn't be the first time this has happened.

Some notable examples:

  • C9 and the constant runi/vanity signing and releasing
  • 100T axing ec1s and inspire after getting 13-0'd by TGRD

I mean with C9, they really recycle players
But Verno hasn't gotten a chance to really prove himself
Wouldn't it make sense to give him atleast upto Stage 1


It is too early, the did the same shit last year though so what can you expect from a org with no understanding of time to develop

washedradiant [#7]

It is too early, the did the same shit last year though so what can you expect from a org with no understanding of time to develop

Last year they waited till stage 1 ended
The season has been one month so far


Way too early. But there's no way this is just performance based unless they've gotten absolutely owned in scrims or something. More like personality clash or opinion clash, overall internal issue. Maybe FNS and bonkar don't see eye to eye. Maybe bonkar and Verno were unhappy with the team and said fuck this we bench ourselves. Maybe rest of the team don't like them. Just examples.

or NRG is just giga tarded org

Denjisideals [#6]

I mean with C9, they really recycle players
But Verno hasn't gotten a chance to really prove himself
Wouldn't it make sense to give him atleast upto Stage 1

I agree, but I'm just showing that orgs can be real stupid with some of their decisions. My guess is if they're axing someone this early, something is terribly, deeply, irrepairably wrong with the team chemistry that nothing can fix it without axing SOMEONE.

Except, I guess, for whatever happened with ec1s and inspire. They only played two matches for 100T before getting axed -- no preseason or anything like that. That was three years ago now and I'm still puzzled by that.

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