All they do is hide in corners, flank, shift walk and push together not to mention smoke spams 😂😂😂😂
Prancer [#3]Why would they hold angles flank, push together, and shift walk in a tac fps? Are they stupid???😂😂😂😂😂
Low testosterone gameplay, watch LEV for real men shit
AfterGlow22 [#6]shift walk? push together? spam smokes? are u fking serious? go look yourself in the mirror and think abt what you just said lmaoooo
not to mention they do boring fakes, and braindead defaults. Shit actually pisses me off
ionlyHave1Zuni [#8]not to mention they do boring fakes, and braindead defaults. Shit actually pisses me off
lol okay I actually kinda like you now
ionlyHave1Zuni [#5]Low testosterone gameplay, watch LEV for real men shit
Ain’t no one watching no washed diamond1
Swarleyyy [#15]Bro, i think u r watching the wrong match. SEN played yesterday
Sen does the same shit, glad g2 won real Alpha male valorant
ionlyHave1Zuni [#5]Low testosterone gameplay, watch LEV for real men shit
I don't want to see real men shit