100 Thieves

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Am I the only person who thinks they are truly one of the best teams in Americas? I Have seen them getting so much flack over loosing to Sentinels and NRG, along with not having a strong Offseason presence. Its understandable why people are upset and I was too especially when I saw them loose against Sentinels after a dominant first map and early second, but come on, they are not shit. I think once they change their Bind Comp and not do whatever they did with Sentinels to choke so hard and screw the upper bracket run (NRG in my opinion was more understandable), then they will be seen differently.


theyre one of the best teams except for g2, sen, mibr, nrg, and kru
oh wait thats half the league


Top 5 in americas, shall bounce back in split 1

nobody___100 [#2]

theyre one of the best teams except for g2, sen, mibr, nrg, and kru
oh wait thats half the league

I believe they clear KRU and a bit of a hot take but also clear Sentinels (At least early on in Kickoff). Sentinels winning was such a gimmick nothing can convince me otherwise. When i was watching, 100T went from Insane down to the brawly level that SEN was at, it was hard to watch.


They're the 3rd Best team. Don't let a life game from mada and verno fool you.

Toph_ [#5]

They're the 3rd Best team. Don't let a life game from mada and verno fool you.

It wasn't so much Verno but Mada, he was incredible. I'm mostly in disbelief that they lost against SEN. During the Sentinels match it seemed much more like 100T got god awfully worse where as during NRG it was much more NRG stepping up.

TyIer [#6]

It wasn't so much Verno but Mada, he was incredible. I'm mostly in disbelief that they lost against SEN. During the Sentinels match it seemed much more like 100T got god awfully worse where as during NRG it was much more NRG stepping up.

I'd say its the opposite. Sen has been consistently starting slow. Verno and Mada started hot on lotus and then mada just never stopped. Also was a off game for cryo.

Toph_ [#7]

I'd say its the opposite. Sen has been consistently starting slow. Verno and Mada started hot on lotus and then mada just never stopped. Also was a off game for cryo.

I understand your Idea and they were both flukes to be honest. I just cant get the match against SEN out of my head it was the easiest win 100T ever had, its rent free.

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