BR downfall

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Let me explain this to you.
G2 is a North American-based team, so they don’t need to go back to Brazil, right?
You guys, on the other hand, have to go back and then struggle with visa issues.
Plus, your talents are not at the same level as the NA talents (dont need to explain this right?).
Without the talent to out-aim those NA players, you won’t be able to compete in international events anymore.

The Brazilian style in almost every FPS game revolves around out-aiming the opponent. Rarely do we see a team that uses strategy and brains to play (like LOUD did back in the day).

So thats why u guys are doomed


yeah i agree
but thats not what im talking about. mibr still has a lot of time to evolve. thats my point
im not giving up on them now


I know, if were Brazilian i would do the same. You’re right about not giving up.
It’s just that, from POV, you'll end up getting hurt even more by holding onto this hope. :s

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