Expectations for tomorrow?

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Looks like KRU are gonna take this, given that, who do we think has a better chance winning tomorrow? SEN vs KRU
SEN haven’t lost to them since 2021 I think but that’s all different teams, different rosters, so there’s no way to really tell.


gonna be an insane match at least 4 maps and they'll all be really close i do have sen though unfortunately


kru guarantees win 1 map regardless on map veto

i could see a close 3-2 closeout for SEN, but kru def looks insane rn

kuruk [#2]

gonna be an insane match at least 4 maps and they'll all be really close i do have sen though unfortunately

Hopefully, SEN just have to show up. Post match Kaplan basically said they did the same thing they always do it feels like, shutting off and like giving up when they lose leads. He always says the energy goes down and they stop comming. Their micro looks like it needs work too. G2 look so drilled and calm and they have great team work, we just need to work on that.

Shu_adventures [#4]

Hopefully, SEN just have to show up. Post match Kaplan basically said they did the same thing they always do it feels like, shutting off and like giving up when they lose leads. He always says the energy goes down and they stop comming. Their micro looks like it needs work too. G2 look so drilled and calm and they have great team work, we just need to work on that.

sen has such a high ceiling its just small mistakes that add up through the round/match
i really hate their comps too
plus i feel really bad for narrate i can tell he holds himself to such a high standard and its not entirely his fault he's not reaching it

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