costs 5440 vp as per oxy stream
less than lock in not bad rito(still looks like dogshit but whatever)
evo1 [#3]i want yalls opinion
not including price are these karambits it or is it worth waiting for reaver(the only karambit w that spin fx besides champs 21)
Bro I’m waiting for reaver karambit for ages not sure if the wait is worth it, knife may come in ur shop within a week or maybe not even in 1 year.
PessiPenaldo17 [#5]Bro I’m waiting for reaver karambit for ages not sure if the wait is worth it, knife may come in ur shop within a week or maybe not even in 1 year.
riot gave me every phantom skin in the shop except recon
i got 2 phantom skins yesterday n none today