Here is my prediction for 100T-they will not qualify for a signle event, they will be like Navi at the beginning of last year where they are a top team but can never get past the final hurdle to qualifify. I give it a 50% chance that Zikz is fired mid season and a 30% chance Boostio is fired mid season.
At the end of the year
if Zikz is still there 40% chance he is cut (reason: performance based)
If Boostio is still there 40% chance he is cut (reason: stratetgic differences/clash of personality with nadeshot)
Eeiu 10% chance he is cut (reason: need a new change)
Cryo 60% chance he is cut (reason: roles dont work well with the rest of the team, need a new change)
Asuna 80% chance he is cut (reason: inconsistenct, unable to produce results after 5+ years, need a new change)
Zander 50% chance he is cut (reason: performance based, need a new change)
I dont want this to happen but I think it will.
In the dream scenario:
Zikz-moves to assistant coach
MCE-new head coach
Flex-Someone who can flex to either sentinel or 2nd smoke as well as play any flash initator
Duelist-A cracked duelist comfterbul on all duelists