Mada diffed Cryo on Jett on Pearl
Mada diffed Asuna on Raze on Bind
Ethan diffed Asuna on Initiator on Pearl
s0m diffed Cryo on smokes on Bind
The player who can play both jett AND raze diffs both the jett/smokes player AND the raze/init player.
the jett/smokes player is mid on smokes and isn't even better on jett than the pure duelist he's playing against.
the raze/init player is mid on init and isn't even better on raze than the pure duelist he's playing against.
Asuna and Cryo are the definition of jack of all trades, master of none
I'm not saying Asuna and Cryo are trash, but please for the love of god just fucking specialize. get a pure duelist who can play both jett/raze, and a pure initiator who can play initiator better than Asuna (not a high bar)