funny huh

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funny how all the casters picked Prx over T1

incoming stax raw dogging prx


tbh prx has always been monsters in reginals
dont think they missed a single event since reykjavik
theyve also beaten t1 6 times in a row without dropping a single map ever with a total of 12-0 map record

i wouldnt say its that crazy tbh


(meant to reply to #2)

smthlikeyou11 [#2]

tbh prx has always been monsters in reginals
dont think they missed a single event since reykjavik
theyve also beaten t1 6 times in a row without dropping a single map ever with a total of 12-0 map record

i wouldnt say its that crazy tbh

i think its a bit unfair to compare previous results since t1 pretty much has a new roster

Aayan [#4]

i think its a bit unfair to compare previous results since t1 pretty much has a new roster

i mean fair but prx basically never loses out in qualifying to events
and i was kinda getting at the fact that prx is basically t1's kryptonite and no matter what t1 does they cant beat prx but thats just cope tho

smthlikeyou11 [#5]

i mean fair but prx basically never loses out in qualifying to events
and i was kinda getting at the fact that prx is basically t1's kryptonite and no matter what t1 does they cant beat prx but thats just cope tho

We'll just have to see tbh.
Personally I really like this T1 roster (since I liked the old DRX roster), but as long as we get a banger match I'll be happy

Aayan [#6]

We'll just have to see tbh.
Personally I really like this T1 roster (since I liked the old DRX roster), but as long as we get a banger match I'll be happy

yeah i kinda like this t1 roster too
if im being honest i didnt rly have hopes for prx going into 2024 cuz of all the jinggg military stuff and fracture and pearl going out of the map pool but i kept optimistic but didnt rly expect any results

now that prx has changed their mindset and has shown theyre willing to be more flexible onto more meta comps and not just comfort picks + ascent going out of the map pool and pearl and fracture coming back in

i have high hopes that our performance would be better than 2024 at least

and (hopefully) finally win a grand final

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