Hey I know maybe this will come weird but I got 5usd in Amazon gift card and 10 GBP (Uk) in Amazon
I got them and I don't leave in these countries so if you want I snack I guess send me your address in massages I send you some LOL
Im so serious
cameran [#7]yes
Cameran if you want a snack massage me you address and I got you is that better 🙏🤞😃
Greatguy [#8]Cameran if you want a snack massage me you address and I got you is that better 🙏🤞😃
hell naw cameran lil bro wanna massage u 😭😭😭 it was diddy all along‼️‼️
Yistyy [#11]Fuck off bro, some impressionable kids could actually fall for this.
Im not joking but you are eg fan so you are used to being a meme and a joke so I understand 🥹 it's ok one day yay will shine and supaman will take eg to the moon can't wait 😭🙏🥹