Pacific = EMEA > LATAM > China > NA (weakest region by far, big lack of talents)
Now repeat the same list with the Americas together.
LATAM teams good, NA teams not good.
Its true but isn't fair to put Emea as a whole and break down Americas.
horrid list holy shit and why seperate na and latam are you braindead
Because I wanted to seperate the good from the bad you moron
then remove the entire EMEA scene except turkey, the rest have 1 or 2 players max that are good
ball knower
Swap EMEA and CN, at least CN got a chip last year.
CN got a chip but you can't deny they got crumbs at both Madrid and Shanghai. At least we were consistent throughout.
No, America's overrated always
America just isn't top-heavy like other regions. They're still the strongest region overall.
the guy is baiting, everyone knows this
I'm just here for discussion. I don't discriminate.