brother idk what to say I am not complaining that they are too good, I am saying as the person who taps the spike, there should be a trade off
the other team should have to respond to test if they are on the spike, with the original roster like breach, brim, raze etc they do not have a chance to kill you instantly off the spike tap, they have a blast, molly and nade that does low damage straight away but does damage if you stay in the area, even brim ult doesnt kill or do damage on spike tap
with the new agents, you get punished heavy for being in the area to begin with, which leads to post plants being miserable as the defenders, clove brings you to 1 hp and kills you easily just for tapping the spike, iso gets a guaranteed ult and now you have to win an impossible 1v1 with his shield
they have changed the way post plants work and im not a fan of the direction