He has like 4 abilities
Q- A drone dog that can scan the whole sight, which already is better than the skye dog considering you can actually clear the site with it and can be used to immediately pop when it gets shot
C- A launch grenade that has a large area concuss, which is like similar to neon. An already good util considering huge area concuss abilities can be easy to get kills
E- Molly homing devices, enough said this can instantly clear specific areas and is more deadly when paired with the Drone as you can just deny space on the enemy team in the area
X- Better Breach Ult
All of this except the molly have already been somewhat existent in other agents abilities but they're upgraded, The moly homing devices is uniquely good but might be too good depending on release day.
Now the Cons- Not too recon intensive, once the drone is out then its gone and he has no flashes either which means he has to rely on his team for that. Depending on the execution, the molly might be really good or underwhelming.
pro play- I can see this agent being utilized around split 1 where it could be used as a single Initiator comp considering he has the ability to scan and disrupt on site, more agents comps can be made which is cool. I can see him replacing skye on Split though