in a Battle, who is the best team?
ACEND 2021
LOUD 2022
EG 2023
EDG 2024
Loud by far it’s not even close
Eg and Edg benefited heavy from the meta they played in. The loud 22 team didn’t even suit that meta, but they still won because of how much more talent they had
Acend also didn’t suit the meta much and they kind of made their own, but the level back then was lower and the individuals (kiles) wouldn’t match the quality of the other teams
Didn't even suit that meta is a technically correct statement, but I don't think that's necessarily a disadvantage. Being able to have variation in your comps is a huge advantage, and they were the only team that actually got better by taking their main OPer/star OFF chamber.
When aspas was playing chamber and they had essentially no entry, they were struggling more than when they had less on it and kept aspas on entry agents, something teams had started to abandon on certain maps (when triple initiator/double sentinel comps were at their peak on ascent/icebox/etc.)