RAGE will no longer organize vcj and will be replaced by other TO
I don't know what riot is planning to do but this seems questionable to me
RAGE will no longer organize vcj and will be replaced by other TO
I don't know what riot is planning to do but this seems questionable to me
Idk man the decision to move to Jakarta seems more like visa issues rather than technical.
I'm not familiar about about jp TOs other than RAGE and TOPANGA so I'm not sure whether changing TO will do vcj much better.
Sure Rage recently have been sloppy with their work recently but I think they are still good
It seems that Riot was really unhappy with how they were planning ascension, I don't think it was visa issues (at least exclusively)
the format was initially really bad too (I don't remember exactly what it was, but I remember that people really hated it)
Idk man, I thought ascension should be planned by riot since it concerns the whole apac not just japan, and even when they did change the format people were still unhappy with how the format were.
Idk man that tech pause alone shouldn't be enough to break partnerships, riot is potentially shooting themselves on the foot with this.