Now that FN0TIC has two b0tsters on the team don't you dare bandwagon to PRX now! We dont want you 🤣🤣🤣
Aayan [#2]1 month ban is crazy work
what ban? did FNC signing b0tster 2.0 make you go crazy? 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
idkmanwth [#5]two boasters>> one j0ngg
be honest, you cried in your stinky bed when you heard the news
BulkyLettuce [#4]what ban? did FNC signing b0tster 2.0 make you go crazy? 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
crashies is a realistic option since he’s only temporary til leo feels alot better plus this is his redemption arc basically, they need a second caller/mid rounder and crashies is that guy, im not the biggest fan but it makes sense plus i dont mind it
hes a lot better than boaster mechanically
BulkyLettuce [#6]be honest, you cried in your stinky bed when you heard the news