how does one achieve calm aim and stop crouch spraying
Azzelastia [#2]+300 hours of aim training,
+5 deathmatches per day,
range training, tracking, and flicking.Bonus: Replace or clean your mousepad when it loses its smoothness.
first time you didn’t attack a TH flair, character development
Upstander123 [#4]Don't have a crouch button so you can't crouch spray
crouch spraying is good sometimes tho
howsyfps [#7]crouch spraying is good sometimes tho
while this is true, your question implies that you are incapable of not crouch spraying, which isn't good, and generally it's better to not panic shit your pants crouch spray every gunfight than it is to tap strafe
howsyfps [#7]crouch spraying is good sometimes tho
Well, it sounds like your problem is you crouch spray too much. Therefore, the solution would be to not have a crouch button in dms until you lock in
Azzelastia [#2]+300 hours of aim training,
+5 deathmatches per day,
range training, tracking, and flicking.Bonus: Replace or clean your mousepad when it loses its smoothness.
*+300 hours of aimlabs per week, find the time
also check out the dudes youtube channel he has some pretty good videos