how do i get rid of this, i had a windows key on my old PC but apparently it was OEM and i dont wanna buy a new key for 119 dollars......
how do i get rid of this, i had a windows key on my old PC but apparently it was OEM and i dont wanna buy a new key for 119 dollars......
kalayav_n [#3]how safe is it injecting a random github raw script onto my PC...
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_amBrian [#5]Use linux instead (plz help i can't dualboot without either linux not enabling wifi drivers or windows just completely dying)
i am also having problems with wifi drivers but only on VAL, every other game 10 ms, stability but on valorant i keep rubber banding!
kalayav_n [#3]how safe is it injecting a random github raw script onto my PC...
its good, or u can buy a key for 20$ but those are bought with stolen funds so yk