what if riot released another good oper because jett is the only fucking agent that can make the operator look like a better weapon than the shorty?
yoru buff HOPIUM
I'm pretty sure it's not really the rumored name. It's more like a codename. All agents have their codenames such as clay(raze), pandemic(viper), and grenadier(kayo). Prob is a sniper though. But we could be very wrong. When we heard about grenadier. We didn't think anything close to what he actually was.
Jett isn't the issue imo. She should be an agent specialising in using it, Raze and Reyna are far better suited for rifling. Having this arrangement is more interesting. Although I wish the awp was reworked to be more like CS where it can be used more aggressively, I'm sure that would ruin balance though.
Still there is very small number of specific situations where you would benefit from instant tp. If that tp would be of any use anywhere else, yoru would be picked in pro play more often. Oping, peeking and getting out of the situation when enemies comes in which is why jett is used mainly. Since you have cooldown time and you can tp into enemy's flank, instant tp would be 100% reliable only when peeking which is probably not enough to pick him anyway. I cant imagine why you think that would be op. And yoru's other abilities would be not buffed and they are not impressive at all. Jett's ult, updraft and smokes are much better than yorus ult, flash and fake steps