No comments on TE and EDG,only team which play in FGC.
look prety good,maybe they are first team which main comps focus on two ini,nephh is one of the best IGL i think,in Wolves VS BLG,you can feel he's call always work and read Wolves like a book.knight translate from FLEX(senti,smoke,ini) to main ini don't make him become uncomfortable he can fast trade for whyz .whyz still farm all team in CN except TE and rushio,he still need learn more,and most surprise me is that levious look so good.i don't know what happened to this guy,he just know how to play game.
a good team but too young,siufatBB's call too fixed without enough change,but they have the best discipline in CN(maybe better than Te),spring good all time but only bad when some important match,lysour and Yu offer enough firepower,but V1ya is so mid(not bad but not enough for a team who want more competitive),wait for Juicy.
i have to say nathond make everything getting worst rn,their roaster is good,but why you always put life on Yoru and let autumn play too many different agents from duelist to ini,senti,even smoke.Yosemite have show us he still is one of the best senti in CN,as AYYY,bro,you cant only have good aim,his flash is dogshit always flash his teammate,as Berlin,CN Boaster RN,cant shoot back but less brain.
enough firepower but only firepower,when rarga become impatient you know they will lose,Mrcani even worst than Berlin i mean,but they have enouth time to practice more,but enough firepower have promess they wouldn't be the bottom team.
it's so werid why every person join in JDG will play the same gamestyle,they just look like slow than other good team,i don't know,maybe still communicate problem.
still is the most potential team,swerl is good(i heard he hurt his arm in FGC),i dont want blame Guang,because some time game look like just lose because his mistake,but dont lose your bravery and keep doing if you think it's right.
not the full roaster,but better than before.
help RB plz.
i dont know why they choose cangshu,EDG pick sImon because he farming T2 of hongkong.but cangshu just mid all time,call back TZH.
they already sell everything i dont know why.