are the playing with Bunt or player for main roster
peetherium [#3]ran into the ground by signing the Q9 core for absolutely zero fucking reason. regardless of if they put bunt in i don't see it improving with monk still not playing
also is zhao playing for kai on trace or was it just for that event
tteokbokki [#4]also is zhao playing for kai on trace or was it just for that event
just for the event. finger injury
tteokbokki [#6]whos tyloos 5th maybe 4th whos their fucking team
I have zero idea. They've been playing with slowly 5cm SORRYMYBAD and ninebody but their 5th is completely unknown to my knowledge. they had open tryouts so their 5th could be anyone
peetherium [#7]I have zero idea. They've been playing with slowly 5cm SORRYMYBAD and ninebody but their 5th is completely unknown to my knowledge. they had open tryouts so their 5th could be anyone
literally have eren coldfish hfmi0dzjc9z7 and don’t utilize them
tteokbokki [#8]literally have eren coldfish hfmi0dzjc9z7 and don’t utilize them
they're all probably under a tight contract jail. hfmi was trialing with other teams and idk where eren and coldfish are, but unless they're bought out i don't see them joining another team next season
peetherium [#7]I have zero idea. They've been playing with slowly 5cm SORRYMYBAD and ninebody but their 5th is completely unknown to my knowledge. they had open tryouts so their 5th could be anyone
okay talk to me some more
what about TEC will Snail be their 5th or B1ack
tteokbokki [#9]okay talk to me some more
what about TEC will Snail be their 5th or B1ack
i'm pretty sure it's a coin flip. depends on who the team feels is best to my knowledge, but i could be wrong