Johnqt calling

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The only reason I see Johnqt playing initiator is calling better

but what is the point of zellsis if he doesn't mid round/ use util / get kills consistently enough

zekken has been shut down both times against NRG but running these roles makes 0 sense

you can't have two players getting bare minimum kills every series and expect to consistently win


n4rrate shouldn't have performance dip when switching to senti it gives him more aim duels and more clutch rounds fits him perfectly if ur talking about zelsis reddux is stealing his job if he doesn't step it up him or n4rrate

jixk [#2]

n4rrate shouldn't have performance dip when switching to senti it gives him more aim duels and more clutch rounds fits him perfectly if ur talking about zelsis reddux is stealing his job if he doesn't step it up him or n4rrate

Im talking about zellsis he was playing this poorly for most of last year too but it was okay because he could help with strats as a result of john being on senti

narrate is playing poorly on senti but he showed what hes capable of last year if you just get him in the right places

jixk [#2]

n4rrate shouldn't have performance dip when switching to senti it gives him more aim duels and more clutch rounds fits him perfectly if ur talking about zelsis reddux is stealing his job if he doesn't step it up him or n4rrate

honestly, I think they might bench n4rrate instead of zellsis if the issue continues during the regular szn

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