I still legit don’t know what the new agent does or what its name is I haven’t been playing val in a while just watching pro matches
has 2 mollies that spawn like roots that slow(?) and makes you take damage overtime
has an unbreakable(I think) wall that once someone crosses will pop up for a bit of time like 10 seconds or something
can attach a breakable flower to a wall that acts as a flash that you can pop at anytime by pressing your keyboard(as long as its not broken)
Vyse ult is like a harbor/kj ult radius that makes it so you can't use your primary gun for some time if you get caught in it.
some visuals/patchnotes - https://playvalorant.com/en-us/news/dev/vyse-adapt-or-die/
currently meta wise its probably one of the worser sentinels that are playable on 1-2 maps