GOAT of Every Agent

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Listen its all good to support your countrymen and all that but get a grip bro


“Get a grip bro”

Idk I thought this conversation was pretty civil 🤔


Mb it was late

but seriously there is no aspect of KAYO that he clears Ethan in

Support Flashes? FUCK no
Flashing for self? no
General util? no
Fragging? only if you do it relative to your own time. If you take their peak and switch them out for each other, 2023 Ethan's dropping 27/8/15 every map and Acend's winning without losing a map. Put 2021 Zeek in Ethan's place and PRX (or Loud) is raising a trophy.

How your achievements hold by modern standards is important. If not Bill Russell or Wilt Chamberlain would be the GOATS of the NBA. But nobody seriously believes that, even if you respect their achievements.


Bill Russell would be the goat if his era had more than 8 teams. Winning 11 rings is insane and it’s not just because the era was weaker, but because it was way easier to win

Zeeks era may have been worse but it wasn’t easier to win champions quite the same way as bill russell. If bill russell had to go against 29 other teams every year of his career and still won 11 rings I would consider him the goat, but that’s not what he did


The problem wasn't the 8 teams per se, but the level of play was extremely low compared to modern standards. Bob cousy (Russell's pg) made it to the HOF without being able to dribble with his left hand.

In 2021 Nats could literally walk up rope on icebox for free and it would blow everybodies minds: https://youtu.be/58Yuc0_-XUM?si=CJkqJYx6YRYjhBTI

You couldn't do this in an Asc1 lobby today


Nah I do think it’s the 8 team league. Bill russell was still better than others at his time, but it was so much easier for the Celtics to win because they had a much easier time retaining their numerous hall of famers and only having to compete with 7 teams.

8 teams is a huge deal because of how easy it was for the Celtics to field a super team every year and have wayyy higher chances than anybody else. In a 30 team league your chances of being the best are just 3%. That’s why jordans 6 is more impressive than Russell’s 11. Not because Russell played in a worse era, because if he was born 20 years later he would’ve adjusted fine

When I was younger I thought rlly highly of bill russell, but that was only because I never looked into just how good his team was and how little teams could actually rival them

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