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Honestly, if a team like 100t does not make it to champions after showing such a strong performance in their maiden LAN, that is just really sucky.
I feel 100t just need to find a good jett player.
Asuna is not a good oper, but definitely a top 5 in the world rifler.
If nitr0 decides to switch to jett permanently and excels at it, every other team is in trouble


Asuna is a good awper he's just not on the level as the best jetts in the world and is just so much better with a rifle but he's still a good awper. But also I would like to see maybe some more nitr0 on jett with Asuna on Reyna and Ethan on smokes or something. Problem is that if they have nitr0 on jett, they are kinda forced to play 2 duelists because Asuna might be able to play other roles, but switching him from jett(which somewhat can hold him back) to a passive agent would hold him back even more. Luckily Ethan is very flexible but it would also suck to not have him play skye and also not having nitr0 on astra would kind of suck as well.

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