Beyn and My Goat K1ng join GENG win all 3 events in 2025
DetonationFocusMeiy [#3]k1ng is good replacement for meteor tbh, idk about beyn really...
Beyn is super underrated, sure he didnt have a good champions but he is very solid
Marcusgeez [#7]a bit out of topic but im curious about what you guys think as a korean/korean team fans about estrella. cause im still 50/50 on him. did he even deserve to have a spot on any of geng/drx/t1 roster if he ever be available?
He was having a good year on dplus in 2023. Might have been picked up by GENG or T1 but my guess is he would've went to a tier 1 chinese team if anything. Then again a lot of korean pros know him personally so idk
kamisavitar [#9]Do u have k1ng's tracker?
I mean I’m pretty sure he did military service this year, so he might not be that active
Chow1E [#11]wasnt king toxic from what i know, the reason he hadn't a team rn
it wasn't that deep. it was "he was very competitive", and shit got blown out by ppl outside korea.